
Showing posts from November, 2020

Let's Talk About Guilt Hoarding

 You are ready.  You have your donation box in one hand and your garbage bag in the other.  You open that first cupboard and BAM. Right there in the very front is the $300 juicer that you begged your husband for and have used twice. Both uses in the first week you got it. Three years ago. Oops.  You can't get rid of it! It was $300! What will your husband/mother/dog say?  So you reorganize the whole cupboard, push it to the back, and it sits there until next year when you declutter again.  Staring at you every time you open that cupboard, the guilt just adds to the pile of mental strain you carry throughout your day.  The guilt you would feel getting rid of it causes you to keep it. Here's my issue with that logic. Keeping it doesn't make the guilt go away. Think about it! You see it and feel guilty every day. It takes up space in your cupboard and in your life.  The ONLY way to make that guilt go away is to get rid of that juicer (donate/sell whatever suits your fancy) and

My Little Life

 Hi! I'm Audrey, the Little Life Wife. I have spent so much time wanting the best. The best chocolate. The best toothbrush. The best citrus juicer.  Here's what I realized: the idea of "the best" is propagated by a consumerist culture that needs you to "need" more things so that you keep them in business. You will never own "the best" car for more than a few months, because the next "best" will come out and out mode you.  What if good enough is good enough? What if I just stop chasing "the best"? What if my best  life is a little one? A little life with my little family in my little house. My little life full of family time, void of stuff and things.  The trick is to have less to have more. Have less stuff to have more peace of mind, more freedom, and more time.  I don't need to be a master chef, I can be a crockpot cooker for my whole life and that doesn't make me a failed or lazy homemaker. It means I have time to read

Kitchen Packing: Take 2

 About a week ago I began my packing adventure in the kitchen.  We are still several weeks out from our move, so I thought I would be Super Proactive Wife by packing up our less frequently used items early. They only filled a few boxes and consisted mostly of fancy glassware, specific use appliances, and one use gadgets.  The boxes sat in my packing pile until this morning.  This morning my brain said ...wait... Why do we need THREE different sets of mixing bowls?? Do I want to waste my valuable kitchen space on extra plates we NEVER use?? When was the last time I actually used my citrus juicer?? (I actually do remember the last time I used it, and I thought, why would anyone ever own a citrus juicer? It's SOOOO much work!) So I grabbed my box cutter, sliced those babies open and did a very thorough declutter.  Of the 7 big boxes I opened, I kept FOUR items! FOUR!! I can't believe I almost brought 7 boxes worth of stuff I never EVER use. Ever. Period.  You are welcome future mo